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Injury Healing

I was struggling to heal from a shoulder injury I had while skiing 8 months earlier.  I did this session for myself to help heal and avoid surgery.  I'm excited for you to reap the healing benefits for your injury too!

**I am not a medical doctor. I am not making any medical claim or offering any medical diagnosis or treatment.  This is simply energy alignment and I do not recommend, diagnose, propose, or make any medical claims whatsoever. If you feel you have a medical condition, please see a medical provider. ~ Carolyn Tyger

Eye of the Storm Energy

This was originally a mystery session!  When we met to do our Energy Alignment, the session became Eye of the Storm Energy!  It was epic!  This is all about living in peace no matter what is thrown at you by the storm!

An Organized Life

So much of what has you bogged down and living in unpleasant chaos can be changed – and very simply.

Using the power of energy clearing, we can go in and remove all those energetic clogs that have you stuck in these ever too busy and unorganized patterns.

So much of what gets you overwhelmed is all in your “head”, in your subconscious.  YUP!  That’s right!

In this month’s Online Group Energy Clearing Session, we are going to dive deep and set the stage for you to enjoy An Organized Life.

We will:

  • Get you connected to what “really” matters to you – to your true core values
  • Clear up the “bogus” beliefs you have created about your “to do” lists and responsibilities
  • Get you connected to your dreams and the life you truly desire to live
  • Let go of the guilt you have about saying “no”
  • Move out the energetic clogs that have you stuck!
  • Balance you energy systems
  • and much, much, more!

There is no better time to start your journey to living An Organized Life!

Angel Connection

Do you believe you have angels assigned to you to help and guide you through your mortal journey like I do?  Then this session is for you.

I believe we have angels to help us through anything and everything!  I also believe we need to "seek" their help.

Let's get you connected to your teams of angels!  

Balanced Chakra Program

In this program we strengthen and balance each chakra individually using the power and grace of the SimplyAlign Method of energy clearing.

With this program, you receive SEVEN 50-minute recorded energy clearing sessions - one for each of the 7 chakras.

Each session is tailored to the strengths and purpose of the chakra with a specific intention designed to get your chakra clear, balanced and functioning optimally for you. Below is a little sneak peak into what you get with each of the chakras.... 

  •  Root Chakra: Spoil yourself by clearing out energetic blocks in your most important relationship - the one with yourself!
  •  Sacral Chakra:  Open the door for fun, enriching & fulfilling living by Igniting Your Creativity!
  •  Solar Plexus Chakra:  A satisfying life is a journey wherein you discover and live your purpose.  And that purpose is not defined by what you do, but by who you are.
  •  Heart Chakra:  It's time to embrace forgiveness and free your heart & soul
  •  Throat Chakra: Clear out that "lump in your throat" so you can express and communicate in loving, effective and fulfilling ways.
  •  Third Eye Chakra: Become more connected to those hunches, those gut feelings, that inner voice that is there to guide you toward your highest potential.
  •  Crown Chakra:   Find your way back to a simpler existence; where you can more easily calm your mind and find yourself growing in the moment, rather than fretting over time gone by or yet to come, that  you cannot control.

These deep energy clearing sessions will do AMAZING things for you!

After listening to these recordings you will feel lighter, happier, freer,  clearer, more connected and confident. BONUS #140-Minute Balanced Chakra Energy Clearing!! With this recording  you will balance all seven chakras with the power of energy clearing in Just 40-Minutes! BONUS #27-Minute Daily Chakra Balancing Routine! You can listen to this recording  VERY DAY! As you make it a part of your daily routine, YOU WILL FIND:

  • your chakras stay more BALANCED and OPTIMALLY WORKING for you.
  • you feel LESS STRESSED and more "IN THE FLOW"

Learn more here

Brain Fog

Do you have trouble completing tasks you used to do on autopilot?  Have you been unable to concentrate? Do you feel tired, apathetic, lost?   This is what I call brain fog!

Let's work together and clear out the energetic fear, stress, uncertainty and whatever else may be keeping you in that fog.

Calm the Overwhelm

Are you overwhelmed or stressed by everything on your plate?  Do you long for more peace and more downtime, but you simply can’t figure out how to find the time?  Maybe you can’t even find the time to think about how to find the time!

What if you could “let go” of something – even if it is a BIG part of you – and create more peace, happiness, better balance… the calm you are craving?

In this online group energy alignment session, that is exactly what we are going to do! 

Join me as we dive in and look under the rocks to find what’s been hiding and holding you in a state of overwhelm! 

As we work together to release beliefs, stories, patterns, whatever is “stuck” and holding you in a state of overwhelm, you will find that you can have balance, peace, and happiness in your daily life.  As we clear out your energy and align you with truth, you will be able to choose Empowerment over limitation!   

This session is for you if you have been feeling the weight of the world and you are ready to let it go!


Do struggle with with self-doubt?

It can feel overwhelming at times.

Do you know that much of your lack of confidence may be due to energetic patterns or programs that have been handed down to you from your ancestor?

Those pesky things you have “inherited” can make it seem impossible to overcome this perceived weakness and find joy in life.

In this session we are going to clear up energetic blocks, patterns and programs that are keeping you in self-defeating loops.

We will instill your energy with your innate personal power and confidence so that you can move forward with a spring in your step, a smile on your face and a powerful presence like never before.

Join Carolyn for this online group energy clearing session~ CONFIDENCE and find out just how amazing you truly are!

Energetic House Cleaning

Your house has it's own energy.  It also takes on energetic residue from anyone or anything that enters it!  Even events that happen in the home!

This session is designed to clean up any low-vibrating energy stored in your home to create a high vibrating pleasant place to live.

Live session will be held Thursday March 14 at 1:30pm MT.  Replay will be available within 24 hours.

Energetic Shielding

Do you suffer from being unfairly judged by others?

Do you often "feel invaded" when around other people?

Do you ever feel like you are being attacked at every turn?

Is every encounter a jolt to your self-worth?

This session will teach you to engage your energetic shield so that you can safeguard your inner peace, maintain clarity of mind, and cultivate a sense of balance amidst life's challenges. - Basically protect your energy and allow you to live your happy life!

Live session to be held 02-23-2024 1pm MT.  All who register will have access to the replay.

Energy Refresher

In this session we will balance all 7 of your energy systems, boost your self-worth and generally "Re-Boot" your energy to get you aligned with the things that are for your highest and greatest good!

Fearlessly Moving Forward

Using the affirmation "I connect with my inner wisdom and trust the direction I am being led to go", we will align your energy to

  • trust your intuition
  • let go of fear
  • know your next step
  • release anxiety
  • and anything else that comes up!

This is one empowering alignment session. 

Finding Inner Peace

What could your life be like if you were free of anxiety and worry?

But let’s face it, life can be crazy busy!

You have so many “good” things pulling you every which way.  Sometimes you just yearn for a moment of peace and quiet.

Yet often when you find a moment to yourself, your mind is running on overload and there is no peace, just worry and stress.

Hectic schedules, stress, unfulfilled dreams or expectations and negative emotions can make you frantic and frustrated.

Because your life seems to “have a mind of its own”, inner peace seems out of the question.  You just have too many demands and there is no room to give.

But that doesn’t need to be the case.  You CAN find inner peace – no matter what outside or inner forces are working on you.

In this online group energy clearing session we are going to address those pressures and clear out patterns, programming and energetic blocks that are preventing you from FINDING PEACE. 

How would you like to fully accept yourself so you do not waste your time, energy or attention on unimportant and meaningless thoughts and behaviors? 

Finding Inner Peace is how you get there!

Free the Funk

Impromptu Session to help you get out of whatever funk you are in!

Getting in the Energy of Success

It’s so easy to talk yourself out of any goal you may set. But, that doesn’t need to be the case.

Often we have energetic blocks that are holding us back and keeping us in patterns of self-defeat!

In this session we will dive in and clean out energetic blocks and programs that are likely keeping you from achieving your goals.

Then we will we set up the energetic scaffolding as a blueprint for your success as you move forward. It’s time to get in the energetic vibration of Success!

Join Carolyn for Getting in the Energy of Success and enjoy the benefits of Energy Clearing and get in alignment with success and achieving your goals.

Getting in the Groove

Have you been feeling out of sync? Having trouble getting your life on track?  This is the session for you!  We will be aligning your energy with your own unique groove so that you can feel at peace, in sync and on top of all the things going on in your life.

Getting Things Done

Do you have some things you just can't seem to get off of your to-do list?  Do you tackle a project, dive in and get going, just to fizzle out shortly before  it is finished?  Do you have trouble getting some things done?  

Then this is the Energy Alignment Session for you! 

Over the last few months, I have spent a lot of time contemplating and researching the "whys" we cling to that keep us from completing things.  I've discovered so many things and I'm excite to put them all into practice to help you get things done by aligning your energy to the things that will help you rise above the blocks you have been facing!

Join me for Getting Things Done!

Grief & Mourning

In this session we are going to address the 5 stages of grief and align your energy to move through the necessary steps and bask in acceptance - the energy needed to heal and find peace.

Check out the accompanying Blog Post: 5 Tips to Help you Manage the Stages of Grief

Healthy Boundaries

There is nothing like a holiday to test our boundaries.

A lot of “together time” can be taxing – to say the least.

In this session we clean up the energetic clutter that is holding us in destructive patterns that break down our healthy boundaries.  We infuse our energy with new and healthy thoughts & patterns and learn new life skills to help us maintain our healthy boundaries and healthy relationships – including the 6 simple steps to setting better boundaries.

Heavenly Holiday Relationships

Interested in having your most peaceful holiday season yet?  Ready to relax and enjoy the season?

This is the session you wan to to check out right away!


Whatever your underlying belief is, that is what your energy sets out to make happen for you.  You may not even know what belief(s) you have under the surface, but what is manifesting in your life is directly orchestrated by your beliefs!

With this in mind, I decided it is time to tackle this topic in this Group Energy Alignment Session.

I Deserve to Heal

Have you been doing the work to heal, yet things just aren't shifting??  Have you had work done on you, but you still feel stuck? 

You may subconsciously feel you do not deserve to heal.

If you feel, on any level, that you don't deserve to heal, it can seriously sabotage your healing journey.

On the other hand, when you subconscious mind feels you DO deserve to heal, it goes to work to make it happen!

In this session we will remove blocks that are keeping you stuck in erroneous beliefs that you do not deserve to heal.  You will be amazed at what will pop up and be ready to be cleared!

Impromptu Group Session

Impromptu Session. I'm just going to follow the energy

Inner & Outer Radiance

You are completely capable of radiating confidence and having the courage to share your gifts with the world!  Sometimes you just get "blocked" and need help accessing your innate radiance!


Ever had that gut feeling... you just know something but you have no logical reasoning?  It was likely your intuition!

Everyone had intuitive nudges, but sometimes you just don't recognize them.  

Are you ready to get connected to YOUR intuition? YOUR inner knowing?

This session is all about just that.

Letting Go of Other People's "Stuff"

Many of us subconsciously take on other people’s “stuff”. It can be because we wish we could help, or they push it on us, there are many reasons, but it happens. And the truth is, it doesn’t actually take it away from the other person, and YOU can’t fix it for them. So, learning to LET IT GO is essential! I’m excited to help you Let Go of the things you are carrying that are not yours. This is a VERY powerful session.

Living in Your Personal Power

You have the power!  YOU have an innate gift - your own personal power.  Own it! Use it! Live in it!

It's time for you to feel comfortable speaking up for yourself. It's time for you to shine in your own authentic way - no ifs ands or buts about it!

Join the live session Tuesday April 16, 2024, 1pm MT.  Replay will be available for all who register.

Love & Forgiveness (of self)

If you have a choice from your past that is constantly coming up and reminding you why you are in the boat you are in... this session is for you!

In this mini alignment session we dive deep and align your energy to let go of past choices that are negatively impacting your ability to move forward and that are keeping you stuck in self-defeating patterns.

Manifesting the Midas Touch

Does it surprise you to know that  one of the Biggest hang-ups I see in working with clients is money challenges?

It's true!

So often I'm told of all the struggles of not having enough!

Well, I hear you! 

I've been there before.

And you know what??? I know how to get out of that cycle and turn those worries into tangible assets!

Are you ready to let go of your money worries and begin manifesting at a level like never before?

Are you tired of worrying how you are going to have enough money to pay your bills let alone get anything extra?

Are you ready to let go of money blocks and start living an abundant life???

Well now is the time!

This awesome 4-module mini-course is designed to clear out energetic blocks you have around money and get you well on your way to living in abundance.

It's time to stop fretting about money and discover that YOU have everything you need to be as financially independent and successful as you desire.

The Universe is infinite. There is enough for you and everyone else.

You are worthy of having money and success.

In this course you will release your money blocks and learn the life skills to bring abundance into your life.

Each module contains a lecture, life-skill training, homework, and of course each module includes Energy Clearing.

Your opportunities are endless!

Now is the time to start Manifesting Abundance!


In this session we dive down to the root of your mental, emotional and/or physical numbness and infuse your being with motivation!

Overcoming Obstacles - Finding Your Flow

It’s true, seldom do things go as planned.  In fact, that is usually what causes you stress and discontent.


How often do you throw up your hands in complete frustration because of circumstances that appear to be out of your control?


No, you can’t control other people and yes, many things happen that affect you and you can’t do anything to stop them, but you can control you and how things play out in your world.


In this session you will learn some skills to “handle” those rough situations, clear out energetic blocks that have you believing you always know best, plus we will plug in all kinds of yummy affirmations for you that will help you find pleasure, peace and happiness when things don’t go as planned.


Feeling stressed, burdened, overwhelmed?  This is the session for you. We will dive in and align your energy to feel relieved, relaxed, light, free....

Pamper Your Pancreas: Bask in the Sweetness of Life

Are you finding time to enjoy the “sweeter things” of life?  Are you refusing to see that there is something beneficial that can come from all situations?  Are you frustrated with your life, unable to find the sweetness or benefit to it?  

It's time to Pamper your Pancreas!  Let's align you energy with the sweetness of life!

Live session will be held Friday October 31, 2023 11am MT

Replay will be available within 24 hours.

Process Don't Store Part 1 - Feel Your Feelings

Your body is your friend!  When you don't know how to process an emotion or you get triggered by something from your past, your body will expand to "hold the pain" for you!  It's time to change all that! In our our Release the Weight program, you will remove emotional dings and stored emotions so that your body can release the weight!

This Mini-Session is Part 1 of the Process and Don't Store series.  In this series we align your energy with your innate ability to process and not store your emotions.  This alignment session covers allowing yourself to actually feel your emotions.

Process Don't Store Part 2 - Gratitude or Your Feelings

Your body is your friend!  When you don't know how to process an emotion or you get triggered by something from your past, your body will expand to "hold the pain" for you!  It's time to change all that! In our our Release the Weight program, you will remove emotional dings and stored emotions so that your body can release the weight!

This Mini-Session is Part 2 of Process Don't Store, in our Release the Weight Series.  In this session we align your energy with your ability to truly feel gratitude for the gamut of emotions you experience.  Through learning to have gratitude for your emotions, you are one step closer to processing your emotions as they are triggered!  

Process Don't Store Part 3 - The Art of Letting Go

Your body is your friend!  When you don't know how to process an emotion or you get triggered by something from your past, your body will expand to "hold the pain" for you!  It's time to change all that! In our our Release the Weight program, you will remove emotional dings and stored emotions so that your body can release the weight!

This Mini-Session is Part 3 of the Process and Don't Store series.  In this series we align your energy with The Art of Letting go.  It is essential to our growth and happiness to let go of things that no longer serve us. In this session we align you with you ability and willingness to let go and move forward.

Process Don't Store Part 4 - Embrace Your True Identity

Your body is your friend!  When you don't know how to process an emotion or you get triggered by something from your past, your body will expand to "hold the pain" for you!  It's time to change all that! In our our Release the Weight program, you will remove emotional dings and stored emotions so that your body can release the weight!

This Mini-Session is Part 4 of the Process and Don't Store series.  In this series we align your energy with your True, Authentic Self.  Your experiences in life have led you to believe things about you that are simply not true.  In this session, you will connect to your truth!  This is so empowering!  It gives you the confidence to BE who you are meant to Be.  When you allow yourself to truly come out, life is amazing!

Process Don't Store Part 5 - The Processing Pause

Learn the 5 steps to process, not store, your emotions. This is a skill everyone needs.  If you find yourself triggered by certain events, this is for you.  Process your emotions and live free!

Reclaim Your Power

There are so many reasons we willingly or even unknowingly give away our power. Whenever we feel like we have to do things for other people, like we have no choice...I have no choice, I have to do this.  When we feel controlled or like our emotions don't matter... We are getting really big warning signs that we have lost some personal power!

This session is FREE!

Release & Let Go

Have you ever worked so diligently to change your mindset and manifest a dream job or the love of your life, only to find them after you have given up? This is the intriguing paradox of letting go.

Using the SimplyAlign method, in this session you will release your attachment to the past, discover your power in the present and create the future of your dreams.

Release the Weight - Stress Mini Session

  1. Your body is your friend!  When you don't know how to process an emotion or you get triggered by something from your past, your body will expand to "hold the pain" for you!  It's time to change all that! In our our Release the Weight program, you will remove emotional dings and stored emotions so that your body can release the weight!

This Mini-Session deals with Stress & Emotional Triggers and is about 15 minutes long.

Reverence - not the churchy kind

At first the topic was a turn off for me.. but I followed my intuition and went with it and it was amazing!  We cover so much in under 20 minutes.  This topic is about reverence for YOU - who you are, your mission, your goals.  

Sleigh Holiday Mayhem

The Holidays can stir up all kinds of emotions you have tucked away!

Perhaps you have unmet expectations. Or the idea of spending hours or days with family is totally stressing you out!  Maybe its financial issues that have you reeling this time of year.  What about the hundreds of activities you need to fit into just 45 days? 

Whatever has you feeling holiday mayhem, bring it with you to this session!

We will work together to clear our those energetic dings and free up your energy so you can enjoy the holidays!

Live session will be held Wednesday November 16, 2022 at 1pm MT. Link will be provided when you sign up.

Sluggish to Spirited

Do you feel weighed down? Unmotivated? Just plain blah or meh??

This is the session to clear out the lethargy and infuse the energy and drive you have been wishing you had.

Spiritual Connection

We all feel a little lost from time to time.  It’s a normal part of this journey we are on.  But what if you just don’t feel any kind of Spiritual Connection?  Well, that is something you need to address.

According to Louise Hay, in order to heal you need to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually – not necessarily in that order, but you must heal in all areas to be healed and find lasting peace and joy!

In this Online Group Energy Clearing Session we work on Spiritual Healing and Connection.

If you are ready to connect to your Higher Power and your Intuition in ways you probably haven’t before, you don’t want to miss this call.  It is going to be EPIC!

I’m so excited to help you remove energetic blocks and get you connected to your Divine right to spiritual connection and guidance.

Stepping Into your Feminine Energy

Masculine and Feminine energy attract!  When you are in one, you cannot be in the other.   Many women feel uncomfortable stepping into their feminine energy and spending time there. 

In this session we will  energetically strip you of the fears and erroneous beliefs that are preventing you from living in feminine energy. 

When you, as woman, choose to step into and spend time in feminine energy, you will be amazed at the inner peace you experience.

Strengthening Your Celtic Weave

The Celtic Weave facilitates a healthy flow and structure for all of your energy systems. It spins and curves throughout the body creating light and beauty.  It is the connective “tissue” for all of your energy systems.  It is the connection between your body and the spirit.  If you are feeling “funky” this is a great place to start!


Join the live session, Thursday November 9, 2023 at 12:00pm MT.  Replay will be posted within 24 hrs and you will have perpetual access.  All who register will have the Zoom link for the live session and replay access.

The Power To Create

The power to create - whatever you desire - is within you!  In this session we will align your energy with the ability to harness your power to create and put it to work in bring about your desires!

Unfulfilled Expectations

How many times have you had expectations for your life that just didn't pan out?  It happens to us all.  There are many reasons for this, but it is possible to change your paradigm! 

In this session we are going to re-align your energy and take you from "Why doesn't anything work out for me" to "I love it when a plan comes together!"

It is possible to experience life in a better way and in this session you will learn how!

Unleash Your Authentic Self

Are you ready to break free from societal expectations and live a life that aligns with your true, authentic self? Are you yearning for a sense of fulfillment, freedom, and joy that comes from living in alignment with your deepest desires? Look no further, because our "Unleash Your Authentic Self" session is here to guide you on this extraordinary journey.

This session is designed to help you:

Discover Your True Essence: With the help of energy alignment, you will delve deep into your core being, uncovering your true identity, values, passions, and dreams. Say goodbye to living for others and embrace your own unique purpose.

Break Free from Limiting Patterns: Release yourself from the shackles of self-doubt, fear, and external expectations that have held you back.  We will identify and transform the limiting beliefs and patterns that have hindered your authenticity, empowering you to step into your true potential.

Align Your Energy and Intuition: Harness the power of energy work to align your mind, body, and spirit with your authentic self. Clear energetic blocks, tap into your intuition, and cultivate a deep connection with your inner guidance, enabling you to make choices that truly resonate with who you are.

Create a Fulfilling Path Forward: Develop a roadmap to live authentically in all areas of your life. From career choices to relationships, you will gain the clarity and confidence to make decisions that honor your true self, leading to a life of fulfillment, passion, and purpose.

Join me for this empowering session and unlock the doors to your true, authentic self. The journey to living authentically is transformative and ongoing, but with this perpetual session, you'll gain the insights and resilience to navigate this path with courage and grace.

Don't let another day pass living a life that doesn't align with your true essence. Embrace the freedom, joy, and fulfillment that come from living as your authentic self.  Reserve your spot in the powerful "Unleash Your Authentic Self" session now and embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Live session will be held Thursday May 18, 2023 1:00pm ET/12:00pm CT/11:00am MT/10:00am PT

You will receive the Zoom link (no video and you will be muted) when you register

Replay will be posted within 24 hours.

Weight Loss

You know that healthy food, proper exercise and adequate sleep are all essential for a fit body. But, do you realize the physical body is an allegory for what is going on inside of you?

The weight is simply how the physical body manifests the root issue.  There are many different issues for many different people.

You can diet and exercise to lose all the weight you want, but if the negative core beliefs are still there it’s very hard to maintain that weight loss.

On this Online Group Energy Clearing Session, we will be clearing the reasons why, on a subconscious level, people feel it is not “safe” or they are “not worthy” to lose weight and be lean and healthy.  We will release old, negative self-talk and programming and we will “plug in” new, positive affirmations that support you on this journey, to help make weight loss a fun and empowering time for you instead of a struggle!

Join Carolyn for Weight Loss!

Wealth and Prosperity

“What’s keeping you from being rich?  In most cases it’s simply a lack of belief.  In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it, and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal.”  Suze Orman

“You control your future, your destiny.  What you think about comes about.”  Mark Victor Hansen

Yet, much of what you believe and think about is spawned by your subconscious mind.  In addition, a lot of your ‘Money Blocks’ come to you from your ancestors!  That’s right – you were born with them or they were ingrained in you by your parents, grandparents, teachers, etc.  That can make it challenging to uncover and remove them on your own!

In this online group energy clearing session we dive in and remove erroneous beliefs you have about wealth, prosperity and money in general.  We reweave your thought patterns and set the stage for you to reconnect to your true self – a being well deserving of and manifesting Wealth & Prosperity.

Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality.  Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.

Join Carolyn  for the online group energy clearing session replay ~ Wealth & Prosperity.

General Release Session

Just like the title says… This session is all about releasing things!

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